
Last updated: 11 March 2025

2024 Membership List

1AAKANSHA SHAJITexas A&M universityLaxminarayan institute of technology nagpur
2Aaron T AntonyUT Austin
3Abhilash A SebastianTechnipFMCCochin University of Science and Technology
4Abhilash NarayananPfizerM A College of engineering
5Abhilash shanmuganPhilips66TKM engineering college
6Abhisha AndrewsKelsey-Seybold ClinicIES College Of Engineering, Thrissur
7Achyuth RajendranConvergent ScienceUniversity of Florida
8Ajai PeterZentech INCCollege of Engineering, Trivandrum
10Akhilesh RajendranSelf EmployedCUSAT
11Akshay Sajipharmcare pharmacyuniversity of houston
12Alby KondodySelfCollege of Engineering Munnar
13Aleena ThomasComcast
14ALEX NADACKALThe University of Texas El Paso
15Allan J SabuUniversity of North Texas
16Alphonsa kochupurackal devasiaVESRajagiri school of engineering
17Angitha MenonTata Consultancy Services, Ltd.Monroe College, New Rochelle, NY
18Anil VargheseProxima360NIT Calicut
19Anil VattalaiCGGRMIT
20Anit JohnsonEnvirocalIGCOE
21Anjan RameshTransoceanSt Joseph's College of Engineering, Chennai
22Anju PadmaSchlumbergerCollege of Engineering, Chengannur
23Anoop PalasseryCochin University of Science and Technology
24Anu PrasadNAAmrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
25Aravind SubramaniIndorama VenturesMA college of engineering
26Arun BhaskarTexas A&M
27Arun K AravindakshanInfosysTKM College of Engineering
28Arun KaimalAtos IncBharathiar University
29Arun KannanTCSMumbai University
30Arvind KamalasananSBM OffshoreUniversity of New Orleans
31Ashish KaimalInfosys LtdVisvesvaraya Technological University (VTU)
32Aswathy SivaramBlack & VeatchNational Institute of Technology, Calicut
33Athira Padinhara VeeduCUSAT
34Avinash James MHalliburtonModel Engineering College
35Balji MenonIndependent ConsultantKU, Dalhousie University, Canada
36Basil TheckumpurathTechnip Energies USACochin University of Science and Technology
37Beena KalluvettukuzhyilRise nowNSS Engineering College, Palakkad
38Biji BabuIT AmericaGovt. Engineering College, Idukki
39Bijimon PunnooseFloatSysCUSAT
40Bijosh GopiEpsilonTHRC
41Binu K JohnKBR IncModel Engineering college
42Binu ZachariahBPKCT Coimbatore
43CHANDRAMOHAN NAIRFluor CorporationIIT Kharagpur
44Charishma MullakkalCochin University of Science and Technology
45Chinthu PrasadJPMorgan & ChaseGovt Engineering College Idukki
46Cyril Joseph VargheseFluor corporationCochin University of Science and Technology
47Dany ThayilJPMorganChaseUniversity Of Houston
48Day AntonyWorleyCochin University of Science and Technology
49Deepa nagarajanSmith and associatesMA college of engineering
50Deepthi GaniNAGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur
51Deepthi VargheseGeorgia Tech
52Deepthi Viswanathan NairBuckeyeModel Engineering college
53Deepu DethanW&T Offshore
54Deepu KurianPWCMaharaja Engineering college, coimbatore
55Easwar AyyarQuadspire Inc.
56Elsa JoseSoFiBirla Institute of Technology
57Fawaz SidhiqueDaily ThermetricsTexas A&M College , Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology Kottayam
58Feroze GaniGovt Engineering College, Thrissur
59George JohnEnterprise ProductsTKM College of Engineering
60George MathewJPMorgan ChaseCET
61George Varkey
62Gijoy MathewHMHUCE Thodupuzha
63Girija Krishnan KesavanR1NSS Engineering College, Palakkad
64Gopa KumarAccentureJNTU College of Engineering
65Gopakumar NairAccenture LLPDevi Ahilya Viswavidyalaya
66Gopi MenonNSS Palakkad
67Gopika NairTexas A&M University
68Harish PillaiChevronCochin University of Science and Technology
69Hisham MoideenTexas A&M
70Indu Chandrasekharan
71Ixa GaniNAMassachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge MA
72Jacob GeorgeCenterPoint EnergyM A College of Engineering
73Jacob SteephenRetiredCET
74Jaleel ValappilBechtelIIT Kharagpur
75Jay C VariathodyLonza Biologics
76Jayaprakash PuthenveettilConocoPhillipsNSS College of Engineering Palakkad
77Jayce MathewsLIT
78Jennifer Panickerukudy AbdusamadRajagiri School of Engineering & Technology
79Jijo GeorgeKSR Engineering College , Salem
80Jimmy JosephDeloitteNSS Engineering College, Palakkad
81Jithin KanayankottupoyilUniversity of North Texas
82Joe PadamadanHPESan Jose State California
83Johnson GeorgeMcGovern Medical School at UTHealth HoustonBangalore University
84Jolly JamesCochin University of Science and Technology / Texas A&M University
85Jomon KannalaCochin University of Science and Technology
86JOSE PullokaranSchulte Building SystemsN.S.S College of Engineering
87Joseph AlencheryInfosys ltdCollege of Engineering Trivandrum
88Joseph KoyitharaSelf EmployedPace University, New York
89Joseph PonnolyRetiredNova Southeastern University
90Joshy MukrappillyAccentureGovernment engineering college Thrissur
91Joyce JohnRetiredCET, Trivandrum
92Justin K JoshuvaHouston Christian UniversityUniversity of Tennessee at Chattanooga
93Jyothis Sasidhara VarierSAPSUNY Buffalo, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology
94Kannan VidyasagarRetiredGovt. Engineering College, Trichoor
95Karthika KrishnanUnited Parcel ServicePennsylvania State University
96Karun NairKanair Inc.TKM College of Engineering, Kollam
97Kavya kovvalTolunay Wong EngineersTexas A & M College Station
98Korah VadakedathFlourUniversity of South Alabama
99Koshy AbrahamRetiredCollege of Engineering, Trivandrum
100Krishnendu SainathUniversity of Texas at Austin
101Lakshmi HaridasDentaquestAmrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
102Lekshmi ThampiQuorum SoftwareSri Chithra Thirunal College of Engineering
103Lesiley Susan MathewSelfCollege of Engineering, Chengannur
104Lijo PunnooseSt Joseph College of Engineering, Palai
105Mahesh KurupAWSUniversity of Houston
106Manoj AnirudhanDeloitteGovt Engineering College, Thrissur
107Mary Mathias
108Mathew RoySelfCollege of Engineering, Trivandrum
109Meghana MuralidharanUniversity of Houston
110Melvin AntonyAmerican bureau of shippingCochin university of science & technology
111Melvin Mathew
112Micheal JoyFoxconnUniversity of Houston
113Minu B ThachilCenterpoint EnergyCaarmel Engineering College
114Muralidharan PallikaraveetilCittabase Solutions IncMadras University
115Nalinan PillaiCanam IncCollege of Engineering, Trivandrum
116Nandakumar Raju SumaFM GlobalMarian Engineering College, TVM, Kerala
117NARAYAN NAIRCoterra Energy [NYSE:CTRA]University of Texas at Austin
118Naveen Kochoth
119Naveen ThomasTexas A&M College StationIIT Madras
120Neil GaniNAUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
121Nikhil JojoMahatma Gandhi University College of Engineering, Thodupuzha
122Nitin AravindakshanJaven TechnologiesCMR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BANGALORE
123Nitin JosephShellCollege of Engineering Trivandrum
124Param MoothathCollege of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram
125Param NampoothiriMtronPTINSS College of Engineering, Palakkad
126Paul JosephSuperior Energy ServicesTKM College of Engineering
127Paul Mathew RoyTexas A&M
128Paul StephenEnergy Transfer PartnersOld Dominion University, VA
129Pearl ThomasIqviaAmrita School of Nano sciences and Molecular Medicine, Amita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
130Poornima PillaiCGGOklahoma State University
131Pradeep PillaiShellTKM college of Engineering
132Pradeep S KumarRetired(Chevron)University of Houston
133Prahlad VivekGovt Engineering College, Barton Hill, Trivandrum
134Prasad PariyaniGovt Engineering College, Sreekrishnapuram, Palakkad
135Prasant GopalkrishnanCochin University of Science and Technology
136Praveen GopinathOptumKITS Ramtek
137Praveen NairOracleUniversity of Texas at Dallas
138Praveen NeelambaranUltramain Systems IncCUSAT
139Prem RamachandranSalesforceCochin University
140Rajendran RaghavanHoneywellIIT Bombay
141Rajesh KavilveeduTechnip EnergiesMA College of Engineering, Kothamangalam
142Rajesh MoothezhathFluorDelhi Technological University
143Rajeswari KrishnanIHeartmediaLBSITW, Trivandrum
145Rajiv RajappanCognizant TechnologiesSRM Engineering College
146Raju NairNational Institute of Technology (REC) Trichy
147Rakesh RajagopalDeloitte ConsultingKeller School Of Management
148Ramadas KandathSAPNehru Engineering College
149Ramesh RaghavanInfosys LimitedDept of Ship Technology, CUSAT
150Ranjith KondathOliver WymanGovt Engineering College, Thrissur
151Ranjith Nair
152Reena KuruvillaOm GroupSt Joseph\'s College of Engineering,Chennai, Tamil Nadu
153Reji SkariaExxonMobil
154Remasankar SIBS SoftwareBITS Pilani
155Reshma CaitlynxHarris health
156Rijil JanardhanMorgan Stanley
157Rijosh GeorgeVerizonKarunya Institute of Technoloy
158Ritwik KottarathIndian Maritime University, VIZAG
159Roopak NairBaker HughesCollege of Engineering, Trivandrum
161Sadasivan ThampanAmerican Bureau of ShippingCochin university of science and technology
162Saeed AnwarTexas A and M UniversityNIT Trichy
163Sagar VidyasagarRetiredUniversity of Tennessee Space Institute
164Sageer AbdullaCognizantLBS College of Engineering
165Sajith Sasidharan
166SAM JOHNInnovative Products, Inc.Govt Engg College, Trissur and University Of Oklahoma
167Sanil NairPS Precision Machining, Inc.University of Houston
168Santhosh SivarajanUniversity Of Houston
169Santhosh VMumbai University
170Santhosh VeettilInfosysGovt College of Engineering, Kannur
171Sarin TomsDeloitteBasaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkot, Karnataka
172Savy josephBPPune Institute of Computer Technology
173Shabu Mathew KannanplavilThe Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance CompanyDr. D. Y.Patil College of Engineering & Technology
174Shainy NarayananMET"S School of Engineering , Mala, Thrissur
175Shebi Elizebeth RajanTexas childrens
176Sheeba ShekharanShell
178Sherin ThomasUHCL
179Shiaz VivekMGR College of Engineering
180Shija AbrahamBechtelGovt Engineering College, Thrissur
181Shijo JacobHTC Global SolutionNational Institute of Technology
182Shilpa HarikumarJp Morgan ChaseRajiv Gandhi institute of technology,Kottayam
183Shimna NaveenSahara Group of CompaniesBangalore Institute of Technology
184Shimsy VarkeyNOVAAM Engineering college
185Shiny PaulSbm offshoreGovt Engineering College, Thrissur
186Sibi KuruvillaNCSU, CET
187Sijo JoseChampionXFIU
188Sindhu NairMemorial HermannBharathidasan
189Smitha ChirayathMonmouth university, NJ
190Sojan T. AntonyUS Coast GuardDept. of Ship Technology, CUSAT
191Sona SubairMicrochip Technologies IncUniversity of Colorado, Boulder
192Sooryakala EllickalFluor CorporationGovt. Engineering College , Thrissur
193Sreeja ThathamangalathuInfosysRajiv gandhi institute of technology, Kottayam
194Sruthi KaricheriBaylor College of MedicinePA College of Engineering
195Stephin Joseph AnnaHDRTexas A&M
196Subin BalakrishnanCapgemini AmericaCUSAT
197Sudheer SangunniAmazonGovernment College of Technology, Coimbatore
198Sudhir Kumar
199Sujith NairUAF
200Suraj VarmaSelfNIT, Calicut
201Suresh KarayilTEEKAY CONSULTING GROUP LLCNSS Engineering College, Palakkad
202Suresh MenonRetiredIIT Mumbai
203Suresh NarayananMcDermottNational Institute of Technology, Calicut
204Swarup JohnOceaneering InternationalUniversity of Houston
205Thejus-Justin MathewsFoxconnUniversity of Houston
206Thomas GeorgeIBMTKM College of Engineering, Kollam, Kerala
207Thomas MathewMA College Kothamangalam
208Varun VinodUniversity of Texas at Dallas
209Vidya RethishUniversity Of Houston - Downtown
210Vijay KayathRetiredGECT, Thrissur
211Vinu KuriakoseExmarCUSAT, TAMU
212Vishnu Sindhu DasBetchelNIT KARNATAKA
213Zaqie Abdul RezaMODECCochin University of Science and Technology