
Last updated: 11 March 2025

2014 Membership List

1Abdul Haseen KinadiyilApigeeNSS College of Engineering, Palakkad
2Abhijit BaburajGE Oil & GasUniversity of Oregon
3Abilash ET NairL&T ConstructionAnnamalai University
4Abin PurushothamanGraduate student - UNODept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
5Abraham JohnSamson Project Engineering, Inc.REC Calicut
6Abraham JosephOnePoint, Inc.University of Houston
7Abraham KomattuChevronCollege of Engineering, Trivandrum
8Aby G. MathewRJ Engineering SystemsREC Kurukshetra
9Aby JoyIgloo ProductsCollege of Engineering, Guindy
10Adam AdilSBM OffshoreDept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
11Ajay RajeevGraduate Student - UHCochin University of Science and Technology
12Ajith AntonyBPUVCE, Bangalore
13Alby Xavier KondodyVKC GroupCollege of Engineering, Munnar
14Alex MathewAble Design & DraftingNSS College of Engineering, Palakkad
15Alexander KudakkachiraChemplast IncUniversity of Mumbai
16Anandhu NadackanalRecent GraduateUniversity of South Carolina
17Anil K. NairBHP Billiton PetroleumUniversity of Mumbai
18Anish GeorgeSpectra EnergyGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur
19Anish SimonStatoil ASATexas A&M University
20Anju JoseNational Oilwell VarcoSt. Joseph College of Engineering, Pala
21Anju PadmaCanam, Inc.College of Engineering, Chengannur
22Annamma DanielTechnip USA, Inc.REC Calicut
23Anoop KuriakoseDeloitteCollege of Engineering, Trivandrum
24Anoop NairBank of NY MellonUniversity of Wisconsin
25Anoop WilliamUniversity of HoustonNIT Hamirpur
26Aravind SubramaniTechnip USA, Inc.MA College of Engineering, Kothamangalam
27Arun AntonyHouston Offshore EngineeringDept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
28Arun K. AravindakshanInfosys Ltd.TKM College of Engineering, Kollam
29Ashish KrishnankuttyCotec Offshore Engineering Solutions
30Ashitha AmbadiCollege of Engineering, Trivandrum
31Aswin JanardhananDept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
32B. C. Thomas
33Babu GeorgeSBM OffshoreDept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
34Baburaj EranezhuthClarkson Aerospace CorporationIIT Bombay
35Bala BalachandranMarathon Petroleum CorporationAnnamalai University, Tamilnadu
36Balji MenonAmerican Bureau of ShippingGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur
37Basil JosephBaker Hughes, Inc.College of Engineering, Trivandrum
38Basil TheckumpurathTechnip USA, Inc.Dept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
39Beena KalluvettukuzhyilInfosys Ltd.NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad
40Bijimon PunnooseSBM OffshoreDept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
41Bimal MuraleedharanBank of AmericaSTAS, Mahatma Gandhi University
42Binu A. PazhoorFiservMepco Schlenk Engineering College, Madurai
43Chacko GeorgeJacobs EngineeringUniversity of Houston
44Chandramohan NairNair Associates LLCIIT Kharagpur
45Cuckoo JoyGE Oil & GasCollege of Engineering, Trivandrum
46Damodaran RaghuShellREC Durgapur
47Das MenonAmerican Bureau of ShippingMoscow State University, Russia
48David KuriakoseWipro Ltd.BITS Pilani
49Deepa NagarajanSmith & AssociatesMA College of Engineering, Kothamangalam
50Deepak SugathanThermofisher ScientificCollege of Engineering, Trivandrum
51Deepthi SenGraduate studentIIT Madras
52Deepu DethanERMGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur
53Dennis D'CruzSchlumbergerREC Calicut
54Dhrisya NairToshiba International CorporationMES College of Engineering, Kuttipuram
55Dileep MakkuniDISYS
56Divya RajaCenterPoint EnergyCollege of Engineering, Trivandrum
57Febin Mathews JoseEICE InternationalRajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Chennai
58Feby MathewGraduate Student - UNODept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
59Frederick MathewSELUniversity of Houston
60Gayathri RaoFluor CorporationGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur
61George J. MilekkachalilAker SolutionsGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur
62George M. JohnEnterprise ProductsTKM College of Engineering, Kollam
63George Thomas VarkeyInnovitt, Inc.REC Trichy
64Girija Krishnan KesavanECS, Inc.NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad
65Gopakumar NairWipro Ltd.Devi Ahilya Viswavidyalaya, Indore
66Gopal NairLloyd's Register NA, Inc.NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad
67Gopal SalvadyLockheed MartinCollege of Engineering, Trivandrum
68Hari U. NairGE Oil & GasREC Calicut
69Harikrishnan N. IyerJP Morgan ChaseCollege of Engineering, Trivandrum
70Harindranath MenonABS ConsultingManipal Engineering College, Manipal
71Harish PillaiSBM OffshoreDept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
72Hisham MoideenHouston Offshore EngineeringDept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
73Jacob Chacko E.BechtelIIT Kharagpur
74Jacob GeorgeCenterPoint EnergyMA College of Engineering, Kothamangalam
75Jacob JoseTechnip USA, Inc.University of Houston
76Jacob PhilipSelf-employedUniversity of Illinois, Chicago
77Jacob ThomasFluor Corporation
78Jakson SunnyAmerican Bureau of ShippingRajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Chennai
79Jaleel ValappilBechtelIIT Kharagpur
80Jayashankar ChandrankuttyCochin University of Science & Technology
81Jibin B. GeorgePSR Engineering College, Sivakasi
82Jimmy JosephDeloitteNSS College of Engineering, Palakkad
83Joe KurianZimmermann & Jansen, Inc.Government Engineering College, Thrissur
84John MathaiChevronTKM College of Engineering, Kollam
85John StephenAmerican Bureau of ShippingKVG Sullia, Karnataka
86John ThomasGE - Energy ManagementTKM College of Engineering, Kollam
87Johny AlexHarris Health SystemTKM College of Engineering, Kollam
88Jolly JamesChevronDept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
89Jomon KannalaBPDept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
90Joselin JoseAmerican Bureau of ShippingCollege of Engineering, Trivandrum
91Joseph AlencheryInfosys Ltd.College of Engineering, Trivandrum
92Joseph KoshyWartsila North AmericaNITTE Engineering, Mangalore
93Joseph MaliakkalOmni Flow ComputersUT Austin
94Joseph MillilTechPro ConstructionsSardar Patel College of Engineering, Mumbai
95Joseph PonnolyUT MD Anderson Cancer CenterNova Southeastern University, Florida
96Joseph VictorOccidental Petroleum CorporationUniversity Institute of Technology, Kerala
97Joy MathewGE Oil & GasREC Calicut
98Joyce JohnTechnip USA, Inc.College of Engineering, Trivandrum
99K. Nair
100Kadir ChollampattuBechtelMA College of Engineering, Kothamangalam
101Kamaldev RaghavanChevronDept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
102Kannan VidyasagarConsultantGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur
103Koshy AbrahamTechnip NACollege of Engineering, Trivandrum
104Krish RadhakrishnanKBRGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur
105Leena DevakikuttyCollege of Engineering, Trivandrum
106Lekha RajanShellGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur
107Lekha VasanthSuccessful Learning, Inc.CIT, Coimbatore
108Lijo PunnooseTechnip USA, Inc.St. Joseph College of Engineering, Pala
109Mahesh K. IyerHalliburtonCollege of Engineering, Trivandrum
110Manu PalliyilAmerican Bureau of ShippingGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur
111Martin MathewFarouk J. SalehSCMS School of Engineering, Ernakulam
112Mathew AbrahamITT CorporationSt. Joseph College of Engineering, Pala
113Mathew ChakalaAmerican Bureau of ShippingBharathiar University, Coimbatore
114Maya MathewsGulf State ToyotaCollege of Engineering, Trivandrum
115Melvin AntonyAmerican Bureau of ShippingDept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
116Michael JohnTransocean Drilling, Inc.IIT Madras
117Michael M.K.KBRREC Calicut
118Nalinan PillaiCanam, Inc.College of Engineering, Trivandrum
119Nandagopal NairGraduate Student - UNODept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
120Nandakumar Raju SumaInfosys Ltd.Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum
121Neha JoyUndergraduate Student - UHUniversity of Houston
122Nikhil Abraham JoseGraduate Student - UHUniversity of Mumbai, Mumbai
123Nikhil Sabu KurianRecent GraduateRajagiri School of Engineering & Technology
124Nitin Menon K.Graduate Student - UHRajagiri School of Engineering & Technology
125Noble Mathew VargheseSamson Project Engineering, Inc.TKM College of Engineering, Kollam
126Param NampoothiriCTS Corp.NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad
127Parameswaran NampoothiriExxon MobilTKM College of Engineering, Kollam
128Paul JosephBaker Hughes, Inc.TKM College of Engineering, Kollam
129Paul StephenSAP AmericaOld Dominion University, Norfolk
130Peter D'CoutoChevronTKM College of Engineering, Kollam
131Pradeep PillaiShellTKM College of Engineering, Kollam
132Pradeep S. KumarChevron CorporationUniversity of Houston
133Pravin TampiNewpark ResourcesManipal Institute of Technology, Karnataka
134Premkumar RaghavanChevronGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur
135R. Padmanabhan
136Rahul SubramanianAmerican Bureau of ShippingIIT Madras
137Rajan SundaranUniversity of HoustonKumaraguru College of Engineering, Coimbatore
138Rajendran RaghavanHoneywellIIT Bombay
139Rajesh KavilveeduTechnip - Process TechnologyMA College of Engineering, Kothamangalam
140Ramesh RaghavanHouston Offshore EngineeringDept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
141Ramesh VadasseryEnscoOsmania University, Hyderabad
142Ranjith KondathPwCGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur
143Ranjith NairGE Oil & GasUniversity of Houston
144Ravi NairExxon MobilGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur
145Regy V. ThomasFluor CorporationUniversity of Houston
146Reji SkariaExxonMobilMA College of Engineering, Kothamangalam
147Roshan EdisonSBM OffshoreMBCET, Trivandrum
148Roy ThomasAmerican Bureau of ShippingDMET, Calcutta
149Sadasivan ThampanEnscoDept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
150Sagar N. VidyasagarLockheed MartinGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur
151Sajee T. KadambathilBIC Services, Inc.Shanmugha College of Engineering, Tanjore
152Sajit SurendranathanBPDept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
153Sandeep K.P.Schlumberger
154Sandeep MenonJacobs Engineering Group
155Santhosh K.
156Santhosh RajaGraduate Student - ASUModel Engineering College, Thrikkakara
157Selicks CherianSabine Oil & GasMangalore University
158Sethumadhavan Konat
159Shaji AntonyAmerican Bureau of ShippingDept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
160Sharmila KuttyInformation TechnologyMadras University
161Shebi E. RajanInfosys Ltd.Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engg. College, TN
162Shiaz VivekLyondell Basell IndustriesMadras University
163Shija Bijoo AbrahamBechtelGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur
164Shijo ThekkelMA College of Engineering, Kothamangalam
165Shiny PaulSBM OffshoreGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur
166Sibi KuruvillaTechnology & Intellectual PropertyCollege of Engineering, Trivandrum
167Sibu VargheseBaker Hughes Oilfield Inc.University of Pune
168Siby PaulEntergy/ LeidosREC Silchar, Assam
169Sijo StephenGraduate StudentUniversity of Arkansas
170Smitha GeorgeTechnip USAMA College of Engineering, Kothamangalam
171Sojan T. AntonyChevron Shipping CompanyDept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
172Sonia FurtadoDNV GLREC Warangal
173Sooraj K. PrabhakaranGraduate Student - UHPurdue University
174Sooryakala SureshFluor DanielGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur
175Sreekumar ThampiBoeingIIT Madras
176Srikanth P
177Subrahmanian K.P. (Dr.)HuntsmanCalicut
178Sudhir NairSelf-employedOsmania University, Hyderabad
179Sudhir PadmanabhanWoodgroup Power SolutionsGIT, Vellore
180Sujit Kumar P.Chevron CorporationIIT BHU, Varanasi
181Sumith RajagopalanUtegrationRIT, Kottayam
182Sunil GeorgeSelf-employedCollege of Engineering, Trivandrum
183Sunil MenonNoble Energy
184Sunita NairMadurai Kamaraj University
185Suraj SubramanianATRNSS College
186Suresh KarayilCST Corp.NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad
187Suresh KumarBaker Hughes Inc.NIT Calicut
188Suresh MenonExxonMobilIIT Bombay
189Suresh NarayananCBIREC Calicut
190Susan MathewKinder MorganTexas Tech University, Lubbock
191Swaroop MadhavanHouston Offshore EngineeringDept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
192Swarup JohnChevronUniversity of Houston
193Thara FatimaBechtelGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur
194Thomas Sebstian MailadilCSE W-IndustriesSree Chitra Engineering College, Trivandrum
195Thomas V. JustinTJ Engineering & Construction, Inc.MA College of Engineering, Kothamangalam
196Toby SebastianFluor CorporationGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur
197Toms G. ChirayilWorley ParsonsUniversity of Houston
198Uday Damodar S.Reliant Software Inc.University of Mumbai
199Varun SreenivasGraduate Student - UHNIT Rourkela
200Vidya Raja (Dr.)SchlumbergerGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur
201Vijay KayathExcel Engineering (Retd)Government Engineering College, Thrissur
202Vijayakumar K. KurupABB Ltd.Mysore University
203Vilson JosephFMC TechnologyMA College of Engineering, Kothamangalam
204Vimal VinayanHouston Offshore EngineeringDept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
205Vineet V. NairSchlumbergerUniversity of Pune
206Vineeth VibhuMDO, Inc.Dept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
207Vinu P. KuriakoseSBM OffshoreDept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University
208Vivek P. MenonGraduate Student - UHSCMS School of Engineering, Ernakulam
209Zahroof MohamedZahroof Valves, Inc.College of Engineering, Trivandrum
210Zaqie RezaModec International LLCDept. of Ship Technology, Cochin University