Tunnels – A sustainable solution for flood control & “5 mins talks” practice for MEA Scholars

Join us on an exciting session on “Tunnels – A sustainable solution for flood control” & “5 mins talks” practice for Scholars scheduled on Saturday, December 16th 9:30 AM CST (9 PM IST)

A unique opportunity awaits to connect with Aswathy SivaramNational tunnels and trenchless practice lead at Black & Veatch, B.Tech in Civil Engineering from NIT Calicut and Masters in Geotechnical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta.

It’s an excellent opportunity for the MEA Scholars to deliver a 5-minute speech on a topic of their choice and receive feedback from seasoned MEA professionals. It’s a novel initiative aimed at improving the communication skills of the scholars

Appreciate your great participation & support to build the MEA community stronger!

Webinar Details :

Topics“Tunnels – A sustainable solution for flood control” & “5 mins talks”
Date & TimeSaturday, December 16th 9:30 AM CST (9 PM IST)
Link to JoinZoom Meeting Link

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