MEA Fusion Fest 2024

Creative Brains (Writing competition) – Category (Elementary/Middle/High) – Individual – 9 AM-10 AM

  • Topic will be provided just before the event
  • Limit the number of words to less than 1000
  • Time limit of 45 minutes. Pen and Paper shall be provided by the MEA Board
    • RULES
      1. Entry fee $15 required, and all rights in the story remain the property of the author. All types of fiction are welcome.
      2. By submitting to the Contest, the entrant agrees to abide by all Contest rules.
      3. All entries must be original works by the entrant, in English. Plagiarism, which includes the use of third-party poetry, song lyrics, characters or another person’s universe, without written permission, will result in disqualification. Excessive violence determined by the judges, will result in disqualification. Entries may not have been previously published in professional media.
      4. To be eligible, entries must be works of prose, up to 1,000 words in length. We regret we cannot consider poetry or other formats at this time.
      5. The Contest is open to kids of MEA members.
      6. The Contest is open to elementary school students 1-5, middle school students in grades 6-8 and high school students in grades 9-12 for the 2024-25 school year.
      7. The Contest is open only to those who have not professionally published a novel or short novel, or more than one novelette, or more than three short stories, in any medium.
      8. Author’s names are excluded to facilitate fair, anonymous judging.
      9. Each entrant may submit only one manuscript.
      10. All entries are final. No revisions are accepted.
      11. Entries will be judged by qualified individuals. The decisions of the judges are entirely their own and are final and binding.
      12. Submissions will be evaluated using the following criteria:
        • Addresses theme — The piece reflects the stated theme of the contest, “Wild Ideas” and the writing prompt “The wilderness pulled at me. It still does.” -author Gary Paulsen, speaking in a New York Times interview. Prompt does not need to be used in the piece. Uses specific and relevant detail to engage the reader. The piece uses a highly engaging and personal style. The author finds fresh or interesting ways to convey ideas.
        • Plot structure — Enough information is provided to understand the story. Conflict emerges early and builds toward resolution. The sequence of events, dialog, and emotional movements are well crafted. Situations needing resolution are closed. Subtle undercurrents (if any) emerge during resolution.
        • Character development and dialog — The reader can relate to the characters; they are able to hold the reader’s attention. Actions and interactions are consistent and well-motivated. Dialog shows the characters to the readers for who they really are.
        • Language Use — The piece uses writing that reveals an awareness of audience and purpose through description, word choice, and variety of sentence structures.
        • Organization & Structure — The piece is organized and well-structured. Author demonstrates command of grammar, spelling and mechanics. Sentence fluency is smooth and expressive.
      13. First and second winner will be selected from each category. Winners will be notified by the MEA Board

        Chess Tournament – Category (Elementary/Middle/High) – Individual – 10 AM – 1 PM:

        • The Rules as per the chess master.
        • Entry Fee $15.
        • First and second winner will be selected from each category. Winners will be notified by the MEA Board

                     Carroms –Category (Open for both Men/Women/Mixed)–Team of two–Category (Adults)–11AM-12PM:

  • Carrom – Category (Adults).
  • Entry Fee $20 Per Team.
      • RULES:
      • Whoever plays first based on the toss, or breaks, is always white. The object of the game is to sink all of your pieces, using the heavier ‘striker’, in any of the pockets before your opponent. Your turn continues as long as you keep sinking your pieces – luck shots count and all combinations are permitted.
      • When placing the striker on the board to shoot, the striker must touch both ‘base lines’ (see left diagram), either covering the red circle completely, or not touching it at all. The striker may not touch the diagonal arrow line.
      • Shooting styles are very personal – whichever ‘grip’ works for you is fine as long as you ‘flick’ the striker and don’t push it. Generally, it’s best to orient your body in order to see the line of your aim while shooting comfortably; you may not move or leave your chair.
      • For forward shots, you can use your index finger, middle finger, or even the ‘scissors’ shot (right).
      • Only forward shots are allowed. No backward shots with thumb allowed.
      • No part of your body, except your hand, may cross the imaginary diagonal line nor may your elbow protrude over the frame in front of you. Even your feet or knees my not leave your quadrant.
      • The red piece, or ‘queen,’ can be pocketed at any time after sinking your first piece but must be sunk before your last one. After pocketing the queen, you must sink one of your pieces, thereby ‘covering’ it, into any pocket in the next shot, or she is returned to the center spot.
      • Once the queen is covered, whoever clears their pieces first wins the ‘board’.
      • A player will be allowed only a maximum of 15 seconds to strike. If a player exceeds this time he/she loses that attempt. Referees decision is final on this matter.
      • If only one coin left with RED, and pockets both coins together the game ends. If the RED goes with the opponent coin and if it’s the last coin for the opponent, the opponent wins. If opponent has more than one coin the RED comes back to the center and the opponent coin stays in the pocket.
      • You can directly hit the opponents coin s unless it’s the last coin. No direct hits to opponents coin if its his/her last coin. If you pocket opponents last coin by mistake the game ends even with the presence of RED.
      • Sinking the striker costs you one piece and your turn. But, if you sink a piece in the same shot, then two come up and you shoot again.
      • After sinking the striker, your opponent places the due piece(s) within the center circle. If you haven’t sunk one yet, you owe one.
      • If while shooting for the queen you also sink one of your pieces, the queen is automatically covered, no matter which went first.
      • If a piece jumps off the board, it is placed on the center spot. If pieces land on end or are overlapping, they are left that way.
      • If the center spot is partially covered when replacing the queen or a jumped piece, the piece should cover as much red as possible. If totally covered, the piece is placed opposite the next player behind the red spot.
      • If you sink your opponent’s piece, you lose your turn. If you sink their last piece, you lose the board and three points.
      • If you sink your last piece before the queen, you lose the board, three points and one point for each of your opponent’s pieces left.
      • If the striker does not leave both lines, go again. You get three tries to break before losing your turn.
      • Preliminary round everyone plays against every other team in the group. Winning Team scores 2 points. In case of any tie in points there will be a decider match to qualify for semifinals.
      • Top two teams from each group advances to Semifinals. Semifinals/Finals will be best of 3 matches.
      • First and second winner will be selected. Winners will be notified by the MEA Board.

                   Artistic Adventure – Painting Competition( 2 PM to 3 PM) (Elementary/Middle/High) –Individual

      • Theme will be provided just before the event
      • Time limit of 45 minutes
      • Participant should bring their own art items (colors, pencils etc). Drawing paper shall be provided
      • RULES
  • Entry fee $15 required, and all arts remain the property of the author.
  • By submitting to the Contest, the entrant agrees to abide by all Contest rules.
  • All entries must be original works by the entrant. Artwork can be realistic or abstract and may include people, animals, events, and objects.
  • Students are encouraged to use bold colors and strong lines. Any of the following media or techniques may be used:
  • Paint (watercolor, tempera, poster, acrylic, etc.)
  • Drawings (pencil, charcoal, colored chalk, pastels, oil pastels, colored pencils, markers, etc.
  • The Contest is open to kids of MEA members.
  • The Contest is open to elementary school students 1-5, middle school students in grades 6-8 and high school students in grades 9-12 for the 2024-25 school year.
  • Artists names are excluded to facilitate fair, anonymous judging.
  • Each entrant may submit only one artwork.
  • All entries are final. No revisions are accepted.
  • Entries will be judged by qualified individuals. The decisions of the judges are entirely their own and are final and binding.
  • Submissions will be evaluated using the following criteria:
  • Interpretation of the theme (50%)
  • Technical skill (25%)
  • Originality (25%)
  • One winner will be selected from each grade. Winners will be individually notified by the MEA Board.

           Engineers of Tomorrow – POC Challenge (Middle School and High School)

Registration $20 Per Teams
    1. A topic will be provided to the registered teams 10 days before the tournament.
    2. Topic shall be an engineering challenge.
    3. The team needs to show their ideas for the engineering challenge in the presentation.
    4. Teams will be evaluated based on their ideas, independence of decisions, items proposed for the solution, feasibility of solution, creativity and other factors determined by the judges
    5. Presentation not to exceed 10 slides
    6. Team comprising of 2 High School students or 2 Middle school students with an Adult Mentor.
    7. Each team gets 10 mins. 5 mins for presenting their concept and 5 mins for Q&A

    We want teams to show cooperation, collaboration, communication and planning. All team members(excluding the mentor) should participate during performance and interview. It is up to your team to show teamwork to the judges.

    Creative Brains (Writing competition) – Category (Elementary/Middle/High) – Individual