MEA Art, Chess & Carrom Tournaments

Rules and Regulations

MEA Arts, Chess & Carrom Tournaments are not just for kids*. We encourage adults to participate in various competitions.

Please register here !
We have received a lot of registrations in the kids categories and we are bringing in a Coach to run this competition. The coach will set up the draw in a tournament software and we will provide the list of participants a couple of days before the event. Last day of registration is Oct 4th, 2023  !! Chess competition will start at 9.30 AM on Oct 7, 2023. The competitions will be held in various categories, including: Grade K-2, Grade 3-5, Middle school (6-8), High school (9-12) and Adult.
Art competition will start at 9.30AM on Oct 7, 2023.   We will provide a theme for the Art Contest and the participants will have to create an artwork based on that theme. The participants will have to bring their own paint, pencils etc to create the art work and we will provide the Art paper. The competitions will be held in various categories, including: Grade K-2, Grade 3-5, Middle school (6-8), High school (9-12) and Adult.
There will be a Referee to run this competition, referee’s decision will be final. Last day of registration is Oct 4th, 2023  !! Tournament will start at 9.30 AM on Oct 7, 2023. The tournament will be held only in one category.

Creative Brains (Writing competition) – Category (Elementary/Middle/High) – Individual